Treatment of wool

One. How to clean wool?
Two. How do I Xisqueta wool softer?!
Three. Already that is wool… but it can reduce the smell?
4. Xisqueta How can I keep the wool?
5. How can I remove hair wool Xisqueta?

How to clean wool?

As for the cleaning should be done either by hand with cold water; or in the washing machine with a wool program. Think it is a natural fiber and stresses do not want!
Once you dry clean or pull or backed into a chair. Do not do it in a dryer!

How do I Xisqueta wool softer?!

La llana xisqueta és una raça rústica com la majoria de les races d’ovelles de tot el massís del Pirineu. Per tant no ens trobem davant d’una llana finíssima com seria el cas de les ovelles merines o fins i tot altres espècies com la alpaca o el mohair.
Igualment però mitjançant uns tractaments totalment innocus i senzill podem millorar el seu tacte i aconseguir uns resultats sorprenents. Aquí teniu uns quants consells per a millorar els nostres llanes filades:

  • Un cop teixida la peça introduïu-la en una olla i feu-la bullir. Això fa que la fibra s’estovi i guanyi suavitat.
  • Put in a good amount of hot vinegar. Introduce the piece of wool and let sit. Vinegar makes a soothing effect.
  • Use natural products to clean fabric (detergents) with base of olive oil and lanolin.
  • "Caring for Lana." This is a lanolin based product that has a high power regenedor fibers. Providing softness.

I know it is wool, but it can reduce the smell?

La llana d’ovella Xisqueta fa olor a llana d’ovella. Naturalment! Es tracta d’un producte 100% natural i a això li acompanya un aroma. Aquesta olor és molt lleu i un cop l’hagueu rentat ja es modifica. La manera més natural de fer-ho, sense detergents o productes químics, és un raig de vinagre en el lloc on ho renteu o bé qualsevol dels productes naturals indicats per a la neteja de la llana.

Com puc conservar la llana Xisqueta?

Wool as a natural fiber that it is susceptible to moths breed that can damage wool very quickly.
We recommend products made from cedar base. They are very effective and completely natural. We're talking essential oil of cedar (by applying a few drops); ARETS balls and cedar or have the opportunity to harvest them, a bunch of savory and tumble dry inside cabinets and / or drawers.

How can I remove hair wool Xisqueta?

Are you sure / you want to remove hair?!
We are fans of our wool and believe that hair is one of the characteristics that must be preserved by making it to the finished piece very interesting.
Also, if you still want to get, you make a very dedicated work with tweezers in hand! once the piece, you must remove each of hairs that remain.
