Here you will find different tutorials that we have prepared for each and all of you! Free and educational! Explain the different techniques associated with the kits we sell in our online store. We hope you enjoy them and if you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us to let us get them: info@obradorxisqueta.cat will be very welcome and well looked after by us.
KIT N º 1 / “I want to learn to spin”
Spinning was an everyday activity at the heart of our cottages. Women, especially, were commissioned to transform wool into yarn for the sheep to weave shirts and socks. Learning to spin recover this expertise! This tutorial shows a didactic (subtitled in Catalan and Spanish) the different steps in order to achieve our thread of wool Xisqueta.
Tutorial “Learning to spin” / Tutorial “Learning to spin” of obradorxisqueta in Vimeo.
Felt is an ancient technique. This is the first textile created by mankind. It was originally used by nomadic tribes in Central Asia, Russia and Turkey… and in the valleys of the Pyrenees! . Applied to clothing and objects of adornment and also to build houses!. It was an ideal material. Was resistant to wind, cold insulation, holding quite well the action of rain and delayed the action of fire. Although a great discovery!
Tutorial “I learned how to make felt” / “I want to learn how to make felt” of obradorxisqueta in Vimeo.