Caravan Xisqueta
Getting Xisqueta Project (recovery of wool breed Xisqueta, the office of pastor / c artisan work) to all the small towns of our region and neighboring regions? That was a question that surrounded us for a long time by the head and had just find exactly the answer… until one day we were on the light! We will Caravan will roll and roll all over the world spreading the project Xisqueta !! And thus was born Caravan Xisqueta! It was in 2013 with the support of Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici.
The first stage of life Caravan Xisqueta was offered free workshops (40 workshops in total) in the small towns of the regions of the catchment area of the National Park of Aigüestortes and Sant Maurici. In these workshops was to present the project Xisqueta (wool, race, profession pastor) and tried different techniques (spinning, weaving, felting, mattresses, tanned skin, etc.) and formats wool Xisqueta.
Much has happened since then… Caravan Xisqueta has been rolling and rolling, both in our country and in other places throughout Catalonia!
The first Caravan suffered an unfortunate accident and we could not recover, fortunately thanks to the support of many people who love Xisqueta (through a Verkami) have been able to give back life to another Caravan, precious one tiny bit more than the previous one but with the same charm (or maybe more…)! Again, in charge of giving the new soul has been Caravan Xisqueta illustrator Carles Porta, With sensitivity and good taste has given authenticity and charisma deserves Caravan Xisqueta!
If you want to organize a workshop related to the world of wool in your town, celebration, fair or celebration, do not hesitate to contact us (,ca – 973620977). Demana pressupost sense compromís i disponibilitat de La Caravana Xisqueta!!
El tallers que oferim són: tallers de filar (amb fus i filosa), tints naturals, teixir i feltre (amb agulla, en moll, feltre “nuno”, etc…) . Són tallers per a tots els públics, tant per petits com per grans. Ens adaptem a les necessitats específiques del vostres esdeveniment, podem crear peces relacionades amb la temàtica que vulgueu, peces 100% de pura llana que cada participant al taller s’endurà cap a casa seva.
Treballem amb un material natural i del territori que ens permet deixar anar la nostra imaginació i creativitat!
Així que, no dubteu en trucar-nos i en parlem!!